Friday, September 28, 2012

10 Things Friday

So it is the end of September-boy this month flew.
We're really getting into fall now...leaves are getting some color, nights are cool, it isn't really sandal weather every day like it was. More like sock weather some mornings.
Oh sadness. And happiness. The coming of fall leaves me with a lot of mixed feelings.
Before we know it we'll be closing up the screen porch too, which is really kind of sad.
But I love fall. Just don't love winter.
But either way, we are one week closer to hockey season.
We've got a lot of our tickets and in one more month we'll be off to our first Maine game!
And this Sunday the Amazing Race is back on-wonder where they'll be traveling to this season.
Speaking of travel- think I'll  stick to my latest Friday theme.
How about Part 2- 
10 places I would love to go to this February or April.
On my one week school vacation.
I only have 1 week.
(Though now that Dave has a new job-though he hasn't started yet- I doubt he can take off any time in February.Not even sure April will work for him either.)
Hmmmm-that is a dilemma.
So, since I haven't made any plans yet
here's 10 more ideas rattling around in my head.

Location map for the V&A, South Kensington, London., Digital Map Data ©Bartholomew 2003, © Ltd. All rights reserved

Victoria and Albert Museum

The world’s greatest museum of art and design

 Desktop Wallpaper · Gallery · Travels 
 Brittany France

From Travels (1152x864, 134K)
Mont St. Michel
Brittany, France

Much closer to home
just a 4-5 hour drive north

Recognize the building that looks like a sky needle on the left? I have never been to Seattle. It would be a cool place to go. I know they don't have a winter with lots of snow like we do in New Hampshire, but would it be too chilly in February?
Anyone know?

How about finding an art retreat?
Not sure where. Not sure what is offered, if anything, during either one of my weeks off.
But it would be a COOL thing to do, and I wouldn't need Dave since wouldn't want to go anyhow. I've found a couple but they don't fall into my vacation weeks, which is tough when you teach school.

Ancient Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacan
One thing that would be cool to see is the Aztec pyramids in Mexico and the Yucatan. Not sure Mexico is a safe place to travel to...or maybe it isn't all of Mexico that isn't safe but just border Mexico. Or maybe we just hear enough bad things that it scares you needlessly.

a new state
one I haven't ever been to.
Alaska and Hawaii are too far off but I have never been to them
Nor have I been to North Dakota but I think February will be too wintery there.
That probably also includes Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Kentucky,  and Oklahoma too.
Maybe New Mexico is a good choice.
See last week's 10 things Friday.
Or Alabama or Mississippi.
And there's also Arkansas, but not sure about there in February.
I really don't know much about Arkansas at all.

mediterranean yacht charter
Do you recognize this island when it is on a map all by itself?
Maybe it is better this way
I am thinking about Sicily.
It looks very exotic and different and it would be quite the adventure.

Or I could hop a plane to London, do the Victoria and Albert and the Natural History Museum and then catch a train to one of the following-
or one of those places that you always read about
but have never been to.
That sound interesting and that you wonder about.

World Map
Someplace I haven't thought of or maybe not even discovered yet.
Like Go see the Northern Lights in Iceland.
In April it might still be wintery.
Or Tallinn, Estonia because it looks beautiful in photos.
Just like Krakow, Poland.
There's so many interesting or beautiful places to visit in this world.
All you need is time and money.
And even more importantly
a sense of adventure.

Hope you get to use your sense of adventure, even if it doesn't include
Happy Friday!

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