Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall is Arriving

They say we're going to have a real taste of fall as the summer like temperatures are going to disappear  and some clear fresh days and some chilly night September weather is coming in. High of 70 degrees, lows in the 40s. I am actually kind of excited about this. I want it to be really fall, not just the seasonal transition  once I got back to school.
Yesterday I enjoyed the summer weather though and went out and had lunch with my friend Vicky. We bough lobster salad sandwiches at the take out window of a local restaurant and sat out on a picnic table and ate and chatted up a storm. Then we went back to the window to get ice cream. I had pumpkin which was delicious and a precursor for my fall mindset.
I do love fall, but hate to see summer end and really dread the on coming winter. I actually don't dislike winter, but here in New England our winters are really WAY too long. That's what I don't like. 
So now that I have gotten you up to speed on the weather and my seasonal thoughts, how about a bit more altered book. I have been playing up a storm with the deli wraps.

So enjoy your Sunday.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Is that a layered tape collage? I love all the hearts - you've been having fun :-)


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