Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Moonlight on the Water

Last Friday we fished until after dark.  The full moon came out and I got some interesting shots.
It was sure pretty out there with the moonlight sparkling on the water.
And silhouettes of cormorants on the big buoy. 

Every time we go out in the boat we experience something different. This time we went to a new fishing spot-off of Plum Island and the Merrimac River in Newburyport, Massachusetts.  Plus, we were out while and after the sunset.
It was a fun Friday and a great way to start the long weekend. Did you enjoy yours? I did. Other than Friday I hung out a lot and even had a big stretch of Studio time which was such a blast. Getting my hands dirty and just relaxing. Not rushing, not stressing to finish, just playing.
Got to love it.
Now another work week begins.
OK, guess I can do it.
It is a short week again which helps a lot.
Thanks for stopping by.

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