Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

How was your weekend?
So I had just the right kind of weekend. Saturday I NEEDED some domestic time to get my house and yard cleaned and organized a bit. I also needed to do something fun-we- Dave and I- "double dated" with Katie and Brian and went to see Lawless at the movies. I didn't think I would like it at first but then I did. Not a great great movie, but a good story. You get into it as it goes.
Sunday I did a few more domestic chores and then we went to Costco-Dave wanted to go boating but it was just a bit too chilly.
Come this time of year-unless it is a HOT day, boating just isn't in my view finder.
And now it is another week-
already the 17th of September.
So here's a close up of a page from my summer journal that I made this past week. I love the yellow swirls I painted. Then I added the strip of green stained grunge board and a butterfly (Hero Arts) I stamped and cut out. Then some clear Viva paint pen. Love the way this looks.
Here's more of this page.
I die cut the leaf, then stained and inked it before adding the journaling. The ticket is from a set from Crafty Individuals/magenta.
The background is hand panted swirls and then a light spray of ink.
Oh I wish it was still that warm summer day and I was working at the lake, though I am back into the school mode.
Especially since Dave is still home.
(But maybe this week will be the week he gets a job offer, I hope!)
That's all for my post today.
Have a great start to your week.

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