Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

It was another great weekend. It is just too sad it is already in the books and
 another week is starting up.
Look where we went late Saturday afternoon.
OK, if you said  a giant corn field, 
you'd be correct.
15 foot tall cow corn- makes a great Corn Maze.
We went to Marini Farm in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
We took right turns and wrong turns and
made our way through the maze.
We had a blast.
Can't you tell?
Had never done a corn maze before- and after ending up back at the beginning and retracing our steps a few times, we finally made it out, just before it was totally dark.
Then we went to a favorite place to eat, the Cheesecake Factory, and had dinner.
I brought home a piece of pineapple upside down cheesecake for my Sunday lunch.
It was a particularly yummy lunch too!
Overall we had
tons of fun!
Did I mention last Tuesday Dave became officially hired, though he won't start for a few more weeks?
And it also was a productive weekend too-
cleaning a lot of the messes in my studio and
going through my shoes
to put away some of my sandals until next spring.
Plus I bought myself a new toy-
a fish eye lens for my camera.
It arrived in a package Saturday and I had to check it out.
I shouldn't show you this, since the side yard of my house is pretty ragged looking right now, but the photo gives you a great big view.
Even my hubby had to try it, and of course get a finger in the photo.
Think I am going to have fun playing with this new toy in the next few weeks-image the cool foliage photos I can get.
Hope your week starts on a good note!

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