Friday, October 12, 2012

10 Things Friday

This is a pre-post since I am off of work today-taking a personal day. My mom turns 83 today.
Happy Birthday Mom!
and Katie has no classes today for mid-semester break.
So she and I are off to visit Mom for her
So today,
to celebrate my mom's birthday-
here's 10 photos of her.
Love these old photos!

1. One of Mom's school photos back in the 1950s. She used to be an elementary school teacher-loved to teach grades 4-5.
2. And before that, she was a crazy college girl who went to Framingham State Teacher's College in Massachusetts. That's her on the far right.
3. Her and my dad's enagagement photo. They look too serious. Angry. It is kind of a scary photo.
If (and when) they looked at me like that I knew I was in deep doo-doo.
4. I like her better here. Another school photo. 
You know it is funny, I've never really studied these old photos. My mom has always been my mom.
This tiny little lady who can be super scary at times.
Well not scary, but she is a tough cookie.
Here she looks so light hearted.

5. Not her wedding but maybe an anniversary or engagement??? Need to find out from her. 

6. I didn't know her when she was in college, it was still almost 10 years until I was born. She's the lady in the middle. I wonder what she was like before she became my mom? I don't think she was ever frivolous and light hearted, not her style, but I bet she was silly at times. Plus, as a lady of her times, she had a different attitude about life than me.

7. She was quite the styling lady when she was young and single.
You know, you look at these old photos and think was a classy time it was back in the 1940's and 1950's.

8. That's mom on the right.
She looks happy here. I hope she's been happy with her life, but I worry she is lonely now, with my dad passed away and all of us off living our lives.

9. And she looks so happy here. I wonder what made her get so hard at times? How did I disappoint her so badly at times?
10. What a glamour girl. Love you Mom.
Happy Happy Birthday!

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