Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October

 It is October and I love this month, even though it does mean summer is really truly over.
When I get to October I am ready for it.

Well, really ready for all the birthdays this month in my family-
(mother, husband, daughter, nephew, college room mate)
Plus my wedding anniversary-
it will be year 24 this year for me!
And the leaves are really starting to turn, and I love the colors!
This past weekend I pulled out some more fallish/winter clothes, which I will be sick of by February but right now it is always fun to have them because it is like getting a bunch of new clothes. Got to love that. 
Then we have pumpkins and apples and mums...
Hockey season starts too! We have our first Maine hockey tickets at the end of the month when they play in Providence, Rhode Island.
Then I have the end of the quarter at school at the end of the month too, and throw in a crazy spirit week at school and at some point we need to have National Honor Society Induction.
But that's not it either-
if you can believe that.
Dave goes back to work on the 15th!
And last but not least
of course
we have Halloween which is so much fun to create for.
I have already brought out my stash of Halloween stamps and stickers and die cuts and started playing.
Have a lot to show you this month on the art scene.
But today,
just this card I sent off to Katie at college. 
This Halloween stamp of the witches having tea is by Cherry Pie,
I have seen this image elsewhere-
like a photograph or something on that line
and it is a great Halloween image.
I love the old ladies-
they are really having a lot of fun.
So I used this light grey-green card stock on which I painted creamy acrylic paint circles. Then I stamped and embossed the image then colored in the spaces with various Copics.
I cut it out as a rectangle and mounted it on a brown card stock scrap and after edging the image with a black Sharpie, I mounted that onto the card. Finally I added the tea saying (Hot Off the Press rubber stamps).
And yesterday I made this yummy apple pie-
It hasn't been baked here yet, but nothing says October like a piece of apple pie and vanilla ice cream.
Or pumpkin pie
pot roast
beef stew
roast turkey
my favorite kinds of comfort foods.
So this week at work will be insane- I think I mentioned we are getting re-accredited. Plus Friday we have a teacher work day- which at least means no kids to plan for. Then it is the long weekend-which I am quite looking forward to.
So hope you are excited as me
for this new autumn month.
Enjoy your day and see you again
very soon
I hope.

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