Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Like a Theme

I like a theme. A story. I haven't quite made it to the point where I can just swirl and mix colors on a page and call it complete. I can swirl and mix colors, but it needs a theme.
I also like nature. I am one of those people who feels better when I can become one out in the environment. Be a part of the natural world, that is one of my mantras.
This page is about that on a beautiful fall day.
I played with swirling acrylic paints of natural colors and doodling some clouds and stenciling some trees.
It is kind of messy and not very structured but it is what looks like when you look out into the trees in the autumn. When you don't focus too hard but just see all the colors.
I love this Hero Arts tree stamp that I used a lot at the bottom of the pages.
I also like the black on the very colored background.
We have lots of yellow brown oaks right now and lots of other trees that have gone to bare. Not a lot of green left any more. Not a lot of red or orange either, but we didn't have much of that this year to start with.
Luckily, there's still a long way until then- I hope!
Just a reaction to the crazy busy week I am in the middle of. 
So this week has finally slid over the peak. I am not towards the bottom of the mountain yet, but a lot of my busy things are done. YEAH! After today, more can be checked off the list.
I really don't like super super busy weeks likes this one.
Can I tell you a secret?
What I really want is to stay home all day by myself. I want to sit in my pj's and play in my studio and turn up the music and just have some me time in an empty house. Well, the dog and the kitties can hang out with me. But NO people, no one to distract me or want something that might take me away from my studio.
Maybe in another week or 2!
(at least next week is not so busy, thankfully!)
Happy Thursday.
and Thanks for visiting.

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