Monday, October 29, 2012

Look Who's Having a Birthday

Today is the hubby's birthday.
I finally don't feel so old since he's caught up to me now.
I can't believe either of us are now in our 50's...we were just in our early 20's.
But that's how life is isn't it?
Moves faster than the speed of light and you just don't know where it has vanished to!
Here's a not so great photo, but its us- the old couple.
Bet Dave never had the fall out rain and wind of a hurricane on his birthday before.
Last year he got his first blizzard on his birthday.
This is how it looked like year when we woke up on October 30th after it snowed all afternoon and night of his birthday.

 Wow- this global warming-weird weather -really is happening.)
So I am off from school today because of the weather- they are saying rain and wind...happy to chill out in my sweats-with Katie. Let's hope we don't lose power. 
So far so good and it is just a dark rainy morning with a bit of wind-
maybe a fizzle?
So I have been trying to finish reading the new J.K. Rowling book- a Casual Vacancy. She writes really well and I think she has the heart of a story there BUT when is she going to get to it? I think she is used to writing that fabulous multi-volume, 700 pages per book set (Harry Potter of course) that she can't get to the point of anything fast enough. A good learning experience for her I guess. 
Anyhow, while lounging in bed on this rainy no-school day I started reading this book.
Which has caught my attention in the first 5 pages and so far is really good. Interesting especially for me since it is set in Boston- a city I love and kind of know- and talks about the  Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum which is great private home/turned to art museum in the city. Will let you know if it keeps going the way it is but right now I recommend it.
So stay dry and keep your hair from blowing around-
Enjoy your Monday everyone and 
thanks for visiting.

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