Friday, November 2, 2012

10 Things Friday

Now that we are into November, I thought maybe one last look at earlier and more colorful fall photos. Now that the trees are basically bare ( the storm earlier this week finished all that off for sure) and the days will be an hour shorter after tomorrow.
Late autumn.
Usually kind of a quiet time for me. The world seems quieter. Life going into hibernation mode.
Although I miss the sunshine drastically once we change the clocks, I kind of like the quiet for a short spell.
Although there's talk of snow and I am NOT ready for that.
 My life will hopefully settle down a bit after all the October business. My life is always busy, busy, busy in October. But November is relaxing, before the next holiday madness starts. I like November. I like Thanksgiving. I like to be in sync with the outside world. I'd love to be able to go into a real low key place and pace, but I am grateful things just slow down a bit.
So here's some fall photos.





 and one more to show you, an extra #10
More and more photos are coming out of New York and especially New Jersy. Plus Ohio and the rest of the Northeast too.
Man, the devastation in some places.
My hearts really go out to those people.
I just can't image what that is like.
The force of nature, and we think we are so beyond that.
I won't be posting this weekend as we are off to Maine. We're going to see Maine's men ice hockey play the University of New Hampshire Sunday up at our Alma mater, the University of Maine. Of course, as a loyal fan, I am hoping for a Maine victory. And all bets are off since UNH is our major rival.
It is also our home rivalry since out little girl Katie goes to UNH-not Maine.
Maine isn't doing so great this fall (they lost 0-3 to Providence College last Saturday when we took a road trip down to see them play) and UNH is cooking on high power so I am not very
Just hope they don't look too terrible and it isn't 
too embarrassing.
(Listen to me!)
But we are leaving this afternoon and heading up to Bar Harbor first.
Looking forward to another little road trip adventure....
Hoping to take a nice little hike and enjoy Acadia National Park tomorrow.
Have a fantastic weekend and keep
your fingers crossed.
Go Blue!

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