Thursday, November 15, 2012

Down By the Sea

It is now officially the mid-point of November.
That cannot be true.
Can it?
I really want to go see the new 007 Bond movie this weekend. Skyfall. Daniel Craig is such a hottie.
Maybe I can talk Dave into going on Saturday.
Have you seen it? If so, is it as good as the critics say it is?
Let's see what this weekend brings.
I can't believe that in another week we will be entering the 2012 Holiday season.
That cannot be true either.
Can it?
So I am hoping my cold doesn't wipe me out today since tonight I am going to see the school musical-Tommy-with a couple of teacher's I work with. I danced to that back when I was high school-my school had a dance club that I was on and that was our show too-
eons ago.
The more things change the more they stay the same,
isn't that the cliche?
So now for some new art from me.
Here's another snippet or 2 from my journal. I was feeling kind of oceany here, and really wanted to play with these Stampotique images.
So I painted some waves in a couple of shades of blue. And I painted the edge of an empty 7Gyspies tape role and used it as a stamp. I also added some clear Viva paintpen dots as air bubbles coming out of the octopi.
Images are stamped on white paper and then painted with watercolors.
Koi tube paints-got to LOVE LOVE LOVE the bright colors you get along with some awesome blending.
I added white Stickles to the mermaids hair and used some on the tail fins too. 
I also used some blue Dylusions spray ink and held the page upright so the ink would run down the page.
I cut the seaweed from scrap paper and the words are a Rubbermoon image.
Another journal design I like the results.
Have you made any journal pages or other art you really like lately?
I'd love to see them if you have.
Happy Thursday.


  1. Beautiful! I love the nice bright colours. Thanks for joining the Stampotique DC

  2. Really like the background, it looks so realistic. Thanks for joining us at Stampotique Designer's Challenge.

  3. I loved Skyfall- it was fun and pure James Bond! Hope you get a chance to see it. I am in love with your ocean art journal pieces here! So much fun!


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