Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Last Weekend

Brrrrrrrr. Do did you know yesterday we had snowflakes? Bitter cold? Last night was down down down in the temperature department- like 28 as I write. BRRRRRR!
So last weekend was chilly but not quite this chilly. We went to Maine to see Maine play hockey at our home arena- The Alfond. It was a pretty disappointing game-0-4 loss to our rival UNH.
One of my niece's friends took this photo and you can see me-just barely, way down on the bottom left. See the woman with the road coat behind the glass? Go back two rows behind her and that's me in the white shirt and blue scarf.
Anyhow, I was great to go back and visit my Alma mater, where I haven't been in at least 10 years.
Things have either really changed or in some places, look exactly the same. \I think there's a lot of comfort in that both ways. I love seeing the new buildings but love that some things are still the same and feel the same.
The game was Sunday. Friday night we drove to Bar Harbor, Maine and stayed there for 2 nights. Spent some time in Acadia National Park and did a bit of light hiking and also some strolling.
Took a bunch of photos, but here's some from my phone.
How about us crazy hikers.? What a photo!
We hiked out on these rocks right along the shore. We had some beautiful views.
It was also amazing quiet-we only passed 2 women in the 2+ hours it took us to do this hike.
You can see we had a bunch of rock ledges we had to scramble up which made it quite adventuresome.
I just love the Maine coast. If I ever get RICH (with money) I am going to buy a house there in some little town with an ocean view.
I also had a few glasses of this very yummy beer brewed in Bar Harbor.
We also drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain-the first place to see the sunrise in the US. It was COLD up there. I snapped this on my phone. It is the view looking off the top. It wasn't morning though. This was late afternoon.
I have been to the top to see sunrise once-in my college days when it was only 1.5 hours away.
I remember it being just as windy and cold as it was this day.
I have some photos on my camera I need to unload so you might get another day (or maybe even 2) of photos from Acadia and Bar Harbor.
But that's it today.
DON'T FORGET TO GO VOTE if you are over 18 and live in the USA.
Today is election day,
thank goodness.
The phone polls are killing me.
Thanks for stopping by.

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