Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Advice

A  piece of holiday advice in this snippet from my holiday journal.
This advice stamp is from Technique Tuesday.
I try to follow that advice because I feel like it can get a bit over whelming at this time of year.
Why we think Christmas has to be a certain way and involve certain activities...whatever those activities and events are for you, and why we let society in general make us think that we need to do these things,
it is just plain crazy.
OK, I will admit it
make me think that way.
 I am as guilty as anyone-thinking the holiday needs to be a prescribe formula.
You know, buy the gifts, wrap the gifts, do the tree, decorate the house, bake some cookies, go to the holiday parties...I love Christmas and all that goes with it but blah, blah, blah.
when I should have been doing some pre-holiday chores
This what I did -
Most of the items on this tag are from October Afternoon.
Here's a close up.

So tell me, have you been feeling like you should be doing something for the holiday but deciding to do something else instead? Are you a last minute kind of person? 
Not me-at least the last minute person part, but I am feeling in pretty good shape right now and I loved that.
So it is less than 1 week until  Christmas.
And counting today-
3 days left of school until vacation.
And yesterday my favorite craft store was having a 1 day sale (part of their 12 days of Christmas sales) where all wood mounted rubber stamps were  70% off.
Yes, you heard me right-
Of course I had to go buy a few.
It was a lot of fun.
OH yeah!
Thanks for spending a few minutes of your day with me.

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