Sunday, December 16, 2012

Making Cookies and Chili

And all kinds of holiday fun yesterday. 
It started with me making a big pot of chili to bring to my department pot luck Christmas party last night. Chili was yummy and party was a blast too. My friend Deb put on a great show!
 I decided since I had the day and I was already in the kitchen that I'd make some of these delicious ginger cookies from the Summer at the Black Dog cookbook.

The Black Dog Summer on the Vineyard Cookbook
These are the yummiest cookies-they use fresh ginger are the best. The recipe makes  HUGE gigantic batch too-like 8 or 9 dozen cookies so it is worth the effort.
MMM. Now that I have eaten way too many of these...
So if you haven't gone to see the Hobbit- you definitely should.
It is REALLY long and what I didn't know, just part 1-what a bummer that was, but it is a really well done film. We celebrated Katie finishing up her exams and her semester (3 more to go!) at college Friday night and spontaneously decided to go see it. Love how it was a last minute decision...something fun about that, and I was also surprised it wasn't jammed packed crowded either.
So today we are expecting some flurries and a bit of snow tonight, and this afternoon I have a metal clay day planned at a friend's house, should be a blast. Maybe a delay tomorrow at work....or is that asking way to much? It would be nice to be able to go in for 9 rather than 7 when it is still dark and you can't see how icky those roads are.
5 more days until school vacation starts....just cannot wait...isn't it exciting we have a weekend right before Christmas? It is for me since I don't need to work up until the 23rd and then all the family celebrating immediately starts. 
Maybe I can even bake a few more batches of cookies?
Have a fantastic day and thanks for taking a few minutes to visit.

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