Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Picking Out a Holiday Tree

Look how pretty it was last Saturday at the tree farm when we went to pick out our Christmas tree. It was snowing lightly which gave it a real Christmas feel.
You can see that here.
The tree farm has these fun signs to direct you around the several acres. It wasn't quite a blizzard but this made me smile.
And how about this one?
What a sense of humor!
Here's my favorite people and my favorite puppy!
Harley the dog thought this was a fantastic thing to do on a snowy afternoon. He just loves cold and snow. And he loves going for walks too! Talk about a double fun activity for him.
Have you gotten your tree yet?
I love finding out about other people's Christmas or other holiday traditions.
Our tree is up and decorated. It is my favorite part of the holiday decorations. I use lots of homemade ornaments-including one I made when I was 4 and lots of Katie's.
Maybe not the most stylish but I love it.
Happy Wednesday and
Thanks for visiting.

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