Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Day After Merriment

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday if you celebrate Christmas and hope you all get a day to recoup or continue to enjoy your holiday. I felt so bad for my husband today who had to go to work, but he's only been at this job since October so he doesn't have much comped time yet. Poor guy, plus he has this same head cold that I have and it is HORRIBLE!!! It was not a good thing to deal with during the Christmas festivities, I can tell you that!
And today I need to be like a tornado and sweep through my house and scoop up all the messes!
E Gads!
Here's a few photos from my Christmas.

Could he look any happier-what a nephew?
(He was laughing until I stepped up with the camera.)

Lots of fun.
Hope yours was too!

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