Friday, January 25, 2013

10 Things Friday

An Update for the Week

1-We've had some COLD temperatures- with the wind up at the other morning and we were at 1 degree-it was warmer than they made it sound like we would be at, but with the wind, it was still so COLD.

2-I don't know about weathermen. Monday they were telling us 100% chance of snow on Tuesday-like 8 inches at the coast. And on Tuesday, the sun was coming up as as I went to work. Zero snow. The storm supposedly took a turn out to sea but you think the weathermen might have mentioned that could happen? I am OK with no new snow, but...the kids at school were all hoping for a snow day, no they were planning on a snow day. One less day to make up in June.

3-So many SICK people...too many for me. I want to quarantine myself so I can avoid getting sick. I am already on my second cold- DON'T want the stomach bug going around because I HATE those kind of things- would rather have these colds than that-any time! And my intern at work came down with it during the school day and wouldn't leave and go home- made him stay far away from me-poor guy I feel bad but I do not want to get that!

4-Been in a reading mode and cooking mode. Made home made tomato soup the other night in the cold-easy and yummy and warm. Also found this new recipe for smothered pork chops-another super easy but delicious and tummy filling meal. This weekend, with no plans,I might try making some whoopie pies.

5-My latest read
Dead Guilty (Diane Fallon Forensic Investigation, No. 2)

6- Waiting oh so impatiently for Downton Abbey Season 2 to arrive from Amazon. What is taking so long? I mean a week to get here?
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 2 (Original U.K. Edition)

7-Been watching a lot of home improvement tv shows on HGTV.
Love it or leave it and house hunters are a couple of my latest house remake addictions.

8- We do have a hockey game on tv tonight-Maine versus BC. BC is SOOOOO good I hate to think of how this is going to go since Maine this year is SOOOOOOO bad. Luckily I didn't pay for tickets and I can watch it from the comfort of my couch.

9- Exams at school start today and finish on Monday. Next Wednesday we start the second half of the school year. Wow-time is flying.

10-The days are definitely getting longer! I got home at 5:30 the other day and although dark, it wasn't pitch dark yet. There was still some light in the sky. It is so exciting, every minute makes such a difference.
Thanks for visiting.
Have a great day everyone!

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