Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back Tracking

I really like this card I made back over the holidays. I love the fact that it is not a very traditional color. I love the snowy stamped scene from Hero Arts-and the silvery sprayed deer. I die cut the deer and sprayed it her with Perfect Pearls Platinum.  Words are from Technique Tuesday.
I know Christmas has come and gone and we are well into a new year now, but I really like this card and I hadn't yet gotten to show it to you.
So while I am talking about the near past- yesterday I had the most fabulous 3 hours after work. I came home to an empty house-well the critters were around but no people. And even though I kept feeling like I should go make some art-I finally let myself not go up. Do you ever get like that? Feel as though you should do something but just not want to? Even something you really love to do? I tend to push myself sometimes even when I don't feel super creative. You know, you should make some art every day or most every day and once you get going it is a blast and the creativity just flows and it is all good.
Usually I just go up and it is all good but yesterday it was cloudy and Friday and I was just feeling like it was end of the week and I wasn't really wanting to force my head and hand to do anything.
Well instead I made some brownies-so much for eating healthy-and read my book while they baked, and washed my sheets...was feeling a bit domestic...but the house was quiet , and I did exactly what I really wanted to do. 
And it was MARVELOUS!
Said that word at school yesterday and the kids laughed at me.
Teenagers. They think you're nuts just for wanting to be a teacher.
So have any big plans for the day?
I am off to a hockey game this evening-probably go watch those Black Bears lose-again-I shouldn't say that-they are playing sooooooo much better than back in the fall. But it will be fun to go out-we do dinner first at a local micro-brew and have a beer or two and then hit the game. It is a fun thing to do with the hubby and his sister and her husband. Get to try some different places to eat too which I like to do. So I hope, I hope-GO MAINE! We need the win!
That's all for me right now.
Have a super fabulous day!

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