Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It is 2013!!!!!!!!

I hope your New Year is fantastic
 and fabulous, 
full of good health, 
rich with lots of love and friendship, 
empty of stress and worries, 
that you have lots of fun and laughs 
and lots of smiles and joy, 
lots of great ideas and ambitions,
lots of fantastic journeys and adventures,
lots of hugs and kisses
very few waves and wind but lots of sunshine and star-shine,
and also
lots of good art and creativity.
And I hope happiness fills your heart.
Happy New Year every one.

(OK, I posted this yesterday-but I think it was worth posting it once again)

I am very excited  about the up coming year-
the excitement of what is to come
adventures I will have....
I love the clean slate.
How about you?
Happy 2013!

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