Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look Where I am Going

I am going to visit a new state for me!
I am going west
and south
and to a place very different from New Hampshire.
My friend Vicky has a house there and she invited me to come visit her during my February school vacation.
I will most likely be seeing adobe buildings like this.

And scenery like this

And hanging out with this fabulous lady
OK, I look pretty goofy-like a fish opening their mouth to breath.
She told me not to  plan on  a lot of sleep-which sounds like we'll be having a blast.
Know where I am going?

I am VERY excited.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

citations for photos
3. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzfSnzGr6I8PKl7O5n8dQm1kUXfVxB52Vc4Hyo4SZtAJTcBKKh

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