Monday, January 28, 2013

More Hearts a Blooming

I told you I was loving the hearts lately.
Here's another journal page.
No hearts here but it had a heart theme.
And heart colors too.
It started with painting the background pink and yellow-got orange blending too. I sprayed this page with Bubblegum pink Dylusions spray and got rid of the yellow since I can't say it did much for this page. Then I used red dry ink and a Crafter's Workshop stencil to make the little mini-circles. And then I took the large circle stencil from Dina Wakely and drew the big circles with a black Sharpie. I painted them white. The Dylusions bleed and gave them a slight pink color.
I made the flower by painting some watercolor paper yellow and then tracing the Crafter's Workshop Julie Fei-Fan Balzar stencil. I sprayed that with red which is why is has an orange tint. Aagin, the yellow wasn't right on this page. I used a Sharpie and a white pen to decorate each petal before I cut it out and attached it. I made the center with lots of strips of Tim Holtz paper tape and I used this fun Studio AE Technique Tuesday stamp to make the center of the flower.
If you're wondering what is under the flower- I tried tracing and then painting it on the page, but it didn't look right, so I decided to make one that popped off the page better.
The stem is another Technique Tuesday word stamp and I just free cut and colors the little leaves.
Think this is one of most favorite pages. It is bright, cheery, and I really happy with the flower.
Need that cheery since we are in the DEEP freeze here in New Hampshire. Warm colors, trying to warm me up while I keep putting bio-bricks on the wood stove. Slowly it is warming up, a couple of degrees a day, but still, feeling cold outside.
They say it will be in the 40's later this week though.
Today is a semi-exciting day, in a little way that is.
At 11:22 I will be half way through the school year! 
Time flies!!!
Stay warm-and do at least one thing that makes you happy today.

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