Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Steampunking Love

I told you I was into hearts lately, and here's a journal page where I played with this love theme some more.  I left the journal page white and added this scrap of gelli print image. I had die cut the middle out of the gelli print for another project but couldn't waste the edges. Too bright and colorful for the trash!  And what better place for a frugal crafter to use the left overs but in an art journal?
That sounds like the name of a book, doesn't it?
Then I used this pink heart I die cut and scribbled the design along the edge in black and red. The saying I cut from a book, the postal mark stamp is from Tin Can Mail-a favorite I have had forever.
Cool steampunk butterfly and tulips are from Chocolate Baroque- a cool British stamp company.
I colored this butterfly image with silver,gold and white pens, along with inking it with a rust and brown ink pad. Then I added a bit of Sharpie marker color too.
Here's the rose close up.I really like how it came out.
Here's the saying in the middle of the heart. I cut it out of a book I have. It was one of those, things to do now that you are 50 book, and for me, it was kind of silly. I think at 50 you most likely know a lot of things you still want to try, but it was still fun to read through (just once) and it was a gift from a friend. So now it is being recycled as some good journal advice quotes. I thought the boomerang seemed to fit here.
It is fun to try different styles and try new things- especially if you stay true to your own vision. Yes this page is grungy-but I am
not very good at this many layered and frilly fancy pieces that are so beautiful to look at.
Mine are more like too busy, over loaded , look like I didn't know when to stop.
But journal pages are OK no matter how they came out.
And I am happy with this experiment.
Thanks for visiting.

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