Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day

I don't have this holiday off- actually no one in my house does. Even University of New Hampshire where Katie is has school.
That's OK, am really counting down to my vacation. 
Hope I don't spend this vacation sick as I was over my last vacation at Christmas. That was one where I really didn't get a vacation to recharge, and this one I am really planning on recharging.
But I won't bore you with that.
So back to some art.
This is kind of a weird journal page...not my usual style. Guess when I made it a couple of weeks ago I was in a weird place.
Actually I take that back.
Not a weird place but experimental place.
I was actually trying out this stamp I won on eBay a zillion years ago but hadn't used. Sometimes journal pages just aren't pretty.
I added the tape and I like it better with the tape but I am not sure the tape really does much for the page.
I ended up water coloring the whole page in pink
 because it was too boring in white.
I think this frog is funny though.
I used him in a card which I posted last Friday for Blogger's Challenge.
Here it is again.
Just in case you are curious or maybe missed the post or wondered why I was playing with this stamp in my journal.
So yesterday was a snowy day at my house, but since I cleaned all day Saturday I made yesterday a big studio day.
LOVE it!
Snowy day playing with stamps, markers and paint.
Oh baby.
Today, well back to reality.
Have a super day and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I like your frog page a lot. Sometimes I find it hard to integrate things like that into a page and I think you've done it really well. The pink is good!


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