Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snow Day Part 2

Nemo, the official name, or as we call it, the Blizzard of 2013, dropped an official 28 inches around here in New Durham. There were drifts much higher though (I think some were 4 feet) and spots where there was much less.
Of course Harl just loves the snow. He was thrilled when we went out to do some clearing.
Keep in mind, we didn't have any snow before this.
All this snow fell last night and this morning.
I had to shovel by starting at the top and then working my way down. Every square foot took about 5 shovelfuls to reach the bottom of the deck.  The good thing it was light and fluffy snow.
The wind was still whipping out today so I had to bundle up.
Look at the hubby

I will also say it was a nice relaxing kind of weekend. Even the malls were closed all day- so who felt the need to go out? I didn't. Kind of stay home little mini-vacation for me, I loved it!
I think this old man likes to catch snowflakes on his tongue- ha-ha!
Thanks for visiting.

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