Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snow is Coming

Another good sized storm is due to arrive tonight...through noon-ish tomorrow.
Maybe up to a foot of snow!
And there looks like we'll have a lot of snow next week-
Glad I am heading out of town to miss all that!
Of course, I had my flight booked to New Mexico at 9:30 tomorrow-with a tight connection in Baltimore.
Well I changed that and I am flying today. Heading out of Dodge early. What a disaster trying to do that though. But I did manage to change my flight- between the storm and a lot of New Hampshire schools on vacation-flights were really booked. But I am off this afternoon.
Won't be back until next weekend.
I am prepared.
And I am excited.

So this card today-
The polar bear is from Cornish Heritage Farms. I stamped it twice, once on watercolor paper- which I cut and used watercolors to paint. I also added some Stickles. Then I cut the polar out of the second stamped image on white paper and used some foam dots to attach them so they pop off the page.
Here's the whole card.
I mounted the card on black and then on white card stock, which I gave a quick spray with some Dylusion's spray ink.
This card fits the on coming weather.
I am so sick of winter. 
Are you?
Not sure if I'll be posting while traveling but will have lots to share when I get back.
See you soon.
And thanks for stopping by- I appreciate your visits.

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