Saturday, March 16, 2013


Sad to announce that Maine's hockey season ended last night. Went into overtime and Lowell scored-was tight- 1-1-and Maine played great. I am having withdrawals today, but seeing it was such an up and down season, and we made it far further than expected, I guess it was bound to happen. We had a great season-lots of fun little road trips, tried a bunch of new and good beers and some new for us and good restaurants, even got a trip to Maine to visit my old college stomping grounds- never mind some great games like when we beat BC 2 nights in a row at their own arena (first team to do that in 20 years-and we had been the team 20 years ago who did that)so I guess even though sad, it is more bittersweet.
But it does mean spring is coming and summer and a whole new bunch of activities.
And there will be another Maine season- we're already planning a road trip to Burlington, Vermont (a great city by the way) to watch them play University of Vermont next year.
Plus hockey isn't actually over. Tonight our hockey friends are coming over for dinner and to watch 2 more quarter final games on tv, and next Friday we go into Boston for some fun and to watch the 2 semi-final games at the TD Boston Garden.
But Maine won't be playing :(
A few more photos for the games Thursday and Friday night.

So driving home last night (Lowell is about 1 1/2 hours away) we hit a mini-blizzard when we were about 20 minutes from home. Man, it was nasty. Couldn't even make it up the hill on the easiest route to our house-and terrible since we were tired, had to go back out to the main road and go around the back way. 

You can see how nasty it got-totally unexpected too!
And today the sun is back out- go figure.

Thanks for dropping by. Back with more art and photos from my trip to New Mexico on another day.

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