Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm Home

I'm home from my fantastic little adventure in New Mexico. 
What a great state that is-at least the northern part where I was.
Hope to get back there sometime too.
Like maybe next winter-if I get invited out again I will be be on a plane and traveling.
I laughed a lot, had some absolutely delicious food, saw some cool things, shopped a lot, got some new knitting projects planned out, got to know my friend Vicky's husband Bob better and took some fun photos.
Will be posting those in the next several weeks.
It was sad to leave my friend. But I am happy to see my family.
Today I am in travel decompress mode- feeling sad and happy. Am tired, dreading having to go back to work bright and early tomorrow.
All in all it was a great trip, busy but relaxing.
I just unloaded my photos and haven't had any time to do any de-greying or touching up, but here's a couple to show you.
A beautiful sunrise view from the bedroom window.
Look at this beautiful breakfast burrito.
It tasted as good as it looks.
I don't ski but got a little trip up to the Taos Ski Valley.
Love all the adobe buildings out there. They have such a cool sensual shape to them.
We had mostly blue cloudless skies-it was cold-chilly too- but I was prepared for that at 6000 feet in this photo.
I have lots more photos to share with you. Should start seeing some later this week.
Thanks for stopping and taking a peek.

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