Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Toys

So last Thursday I had a few hours to kill between leaving work and going back for 8th grade open house which started at 6. Plenty of time to take a trip down to my favorite sort of local craft store which is on the North Shore of Massachusetts. 
I didn't NEED anything but of course what I wanted was a different story.
Here's most of my purchase. I found some fun things to play with in the studio. Then I spied this one item that I have been wanting, almost lusting after but haven't seen any where except on-line on blogs.
My heart skipped a couple of beats and then started to race.
I have a small one already-the 6x6 size, and have been wanting this rectangular 8x10 plate. 
That is my plans for today, to make some prints. I love this size for journaling because it will fill the whole journal page.
Even better, I found out I had a store credit that covered the cost of this plate, which they were selling for $32. This is like a belated birthday gift from the store to me!!!!
I was one happy bioartgal that day, I tell you.
Even made going back to school/work that night a lot better.
So I am off to go play.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Have fun with your new Gelli plate! And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I will look forward to seeing your Gelli art!

  2. Great new toys! Can't wait to see your new art using them!


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