Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snippets of My Travel Journal

How about a couple more views of Taos as seen through my travel journal. I did a lot of it during my trip and then last Friday while home on a snow day, I finished it up. 
I always put the blank/slightly designed pages together before I leave
I use a small 3 ring binder I found at Staples. Have used this format for my last few journeys because I like being able to remove and rearrange pages. Plus you can get little folders and holders and other fun things.
I also like being able to punch things I pick up or buy (this time I remembered to bring my little hand punch). If they have a front and a back it is good to be able to see both sides-like post cards for example.
Here's one of those little folders you can buy. I love it to put in long brochure like items I pick up in my travels.
2 postcards. On the left side I added some stamped images I made at Bandelier National Monument to the back.
Plus this cool postcard on the right.
I also did some collaging.  I picked up one of those tourist magazines which I cut out from. I also added a couple of business cards- nice to know where they are if for some reason you want to recommend a place or on-line buy something. Little strips of the yarn I purchased and names of places I shopped.
On the right I added this fun little cartoon from the tourist magazine I picked up that seemed appropriate. I also added a brad I had in my little metal lunch box I take with me. This little box is full of basic supplies and fits easily in my suitcase-glue sticks, scissors, my paper punch, Sharpies and a white pen,  a black ink pad, a small bottle of glue, some paper clips, double sided tape and a few other small things I might want.
Full of all kinds of memories.
Also I made a few little decorated pages with a south-western theme.
Also I add menus and this little shopping brochure.
That's what you get today.
I'll show you some more another time.
Have a great day.

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