Monday, April 15, 2013

A Photo, a Card and some Gabbing

Look at this! Can you believe this what I saw when I got home last Friday- April 12th? I thought it was spring- but last Friday was raw and cold! What I love about this photo is that it is a view I have missed in the 24 years we have lived in our house. Can imagine missing this view in 24 years? I actually really like it. I love the fact that there are still surprises in the same old place even after a lot of years. It is one of those things that makes life exciting.
So it was a nice afternoon last Friday to come home and take a 2 hour nap-
that I really needed- and get charged for the weekend.
So to contradict that winter view, here's a cute little spring card for you.
I started by die cutting out the oval center on the base of the card and then adding this little strawberry view to that place. The image is from Flourishes rubber stamps and I colored it with Copics. The bee is from this great die from Cheery Lynn Designs that has lots of little bees and birds. I used  a Spellbinder's die to make the word tag, I quite like that tag. Then I added some scribbly ink dots with a black Sharpie and a white Uniball pen.

So did everyone have a nice weekend?
I am sitting here at 8 pm last night and off to the west it is dusk. Love these longer days. So my weekend recap-
We went truck shopping for my husband Saturday since he recently totalled his truck. No purchase yet, and I image next weekend we'll be doing some more truck shopping. Saturday night was the very last hockey game of the season as far as college hockey goes- it was the national championship game- not Maine- unfortunately for us, but Yale played Quinnipiac and it was a good game. Dave's sister and her husband came for dinner and to watch the game which made it fun. Yesterday we had to do our taxes-YUK!!!! but Katie and I went out to breakfast first and then I needed to de-stress from the taxes so I went and did some journalling and then some reading. I told you last week I am now reading this book
which I am loving. Not a fast paced book but I love how reflective this woman is, and here adventure is so rich and wonderful. She was in her 50's when she wrote this, and as a woman in that same age group, I can really relate.
And today it is the last day of the quarter at school for me.
Tomorrow the last quarter of the school year starts- never remember it being so late in the school year.
But only these 5 days and then I get a week's vacation- can't wait for that!
So what did you do this weekend?
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope I didn't bore you too much today.

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