Saturday, April 6, 2013

On the Bedside Table

So I have a few interesting items on my bedside table right now.
Let me show you.
There are also 2 different versions of Mad Maps .
(Have you ever seen these? They are great maps-they don't tear, they're waterproof, have scenic road routes all marked. They're normal map size and are easy to carry. Especially in luggage!)
Also, this book that has been sitting in my attic since we took a trip to the Black Hills and Wyoming back in 2003.

Can you see a pattern here?
All I'm saying is that summer vacation will be here before we all know it.

(And just to know it will really happen, I heard the phoebe that nests in the rafter's of my husband's workshop, an out building on our property. It is really spring when I hear that scratchy phoebe call- it is so exciting!)

See you again soon.

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