Saturday, May 4, 2013

10 Things Saturday

10 signs of spring

1- It is getting light when I get up just before 5am for work. And at night it is light until almost 8.

Rhubarb is well up! Can't wait until I can pick it and make a strawberry rhubarb pie.

By now all the daffodils popped open.

The local ice cream stands are starting to open up, or if not open yet, they are cleaning up-putting up awnings- getting ready to open!!!

And there are other blooms bursting in my garden. My hyacinths are brightening up my yard too.

Need to mow the lawn pretty soon-like maybe today and tomorrow. If we had some rain it would look like a hayfield. But it has gotten SO green.

And the leaves should just about be popping out. In fact, surprise they aren't out by now since we've seen so much sun and warm 70 degree weather this week.

Forsythia are blooming right now too. I don't have any in my yard but pass these on my walk.

And my cherry tree named Al is blooming.
(It is called Al after my dad as it was a gift from my co-workers when he passed away).

And finally, another big excitement for me-
My screen porch is getting opened up. Should be able to finish it this weekend.
Plus I brought a chair out and I can sit outside and enjoy the nice weather- as long as those blasted little black flies don't get too bad.

That's it for today. We are off to get Dave's new truck- 
Have a super duper Saturday everyone!

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