Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 Things Saturday

It is a rainy Saturday here in New Hampshire, but it is Saturday, so you've got to love it. Today we need to move the boat and move Katie's big things home from college so when she finishes Tuesday and I pick her up after school we can get everything else. Too hard for just her and I, 2 short woman, to de-loft her bed.
So since she'll be home Tuesday and since the boat is coming home for the summer season, time to do a summer list. Today, 10 things I love about summer.

1- Long days!  I am not a person of the night ( could never be a vampire)-especially COLD nights. The warm ones aren't so bad. I always have so much more energy in the summer. In the winter I am drooping by 5 pm but in the summer I can stay up so much later and get up so much earlier.
2-Flowers, flowers and flowers.
I love the blooms of summer, and I love playing in my flower garden.
They have great colors
great shapes-
attract hummingbirds and butterflies
make you feel good down to your bones.
3-Fresh fruits and veggies.
Whether I grow them or whether you get them at one of the veggie stands that open up all over the place.
4-Grilling and chilling and doing some great cooking.
It is a pleasure to cook with all the fresh veggies and to go out and do some feisty grilled recipes. 
I think with all the choices for fresh food it is so much more motivating to cook and eat healthy.
5-Getting outside
I love being outside. Whether it is sitting on my screen porch, on the beach, at the lake, on a boat, walking, 
the summer is all about getting outside.
6-The easy feeling. Not having to bundle up with a coat and hat and gloves and socks and all those things.
I think it makes people more social. It is easier to go out, to do things.
7- Having the windows open and hearing the birds chirping from in the house. Or the spring peepers or bullfrogs. Especially at night when you are falling asleep to their calls.
8-Places are open. Living in a tourist area, everything is open. Ice cream stands, fish shacks, certain restaurants. There's lots of outdoor crafts fairs, scenic boat trips, the old forts at the coast are open. So much more to do.
9-Boating, swimming, kayaking, morning walks, star gazing, strawberry (raspberry and blueberry) picking, road trips, napping on the screen porch, bird watching
10-Sandals, painted toe nails, flowery clothes, sunhats, summer reading, 4th of July, fireworks, drive in movies, movies inside to stay cool, stopping for ice cream

There's a few nasty things about summer-
humidity and biting bugs
but they're small change compared to the good things.
And it is all beginning to get started.
Love it!

Thanks for visiting-
Have a great day!

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