Friday, May 31, 2013


Last day of May. Wow- this was another fast month. Time is such a weird thing, the way it can appear to be fast or slow, and funny that lots of people often have the same perception-when time goes forward at the same rate always.  But if you say to someone, this week feels really long,  they often agree with you. Don't know if it has to do with the weather, things going on in  life, events that happen.  Maybe a lot of that or none of that. Too philosophical for me right now.
But day 2 of our heat wave. Hard to believe that less than a week ago we were only in the 40's and today we are again going to hit 90 degrees-again.
Three more weeks of kids. I am counting down. 15 days. I am so ready for some non-school time.
So my journal page. I started by stenciling yellow suns and then spraying yellow and orange Dylusions on the page. 

I used a Jenni Bowlin journal card that I had and wrote out my thoughts, then highlighted them and used a watercolor marker to color that in. I attached with some torn strips of paper tape from Cavallini and Co.  Kind of disappointed the way that tape peels off the roll.
Then I added these acetate butterflies I had- from K and Company. I added the white dots on them, and the journaling around the border of the page.
So hope you have something good planned for your weekend.
I think we are going out in the boat tomorrow afternoon.
Am looking forward to that- been a long time since last boating season.
And I am very ready for summer activities-enjoying every moment of them.


  1. It´s a beautiful page. Love this colors.

  2. lovely composition and I hope you're right about the changing seasons!

  3. Lovely background on your page! And yes I agree with you! This last week of school before vacation seemed super long! LOL (and summer vacation will no doubt go by super fast!)

  4. Lovely summery colours. Enjoy your warm weather.

  5. Beautiful page, lovely warm colors. I sure hope the sun has finaly come to stay a bit longer =)


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