Monday, May 13, 2013

On Mother's Day

This is what you need when you are trying to get in touch with nature while gardening and when the wonderful hubby can't stop complaining about the wax he is putting on his boat. I mean, can't stop for over an hour and then you yell at him and tell him enough is enough.
Well basically.
Better to come in and read some more Sookie Stackhouse then fight the mosquitoes and and branches on your hydrangea which you are trying to clean out. And listen to him go on and on- ha-ha!
So it was a good Mother's Day.
The daughter called me and wished me a happy day.
I made pie-coconut cream.
Never made one of those before.
And played in the studio.
Love it.
Here's a view of some recent playing.
Love this daisy stamped image from Inkadinkado. I stamped it onto the white cardstock and then onto glossy paper. I colored the glossy image  of the daisy and bee and then cut it out. Before I attached it I took some green ink and a stipple brush and brushed it onto the card. I added a snippet of a frame from Sizzix which I die cut on some embossed paper and then sprayed green with Dylusions ink. I added the words (Technique Tuesday) and the Roman clock numeral from Prima.
Monday already guys!
A new week steaming ahead.
Busy one for me, again.
Hope you start yours on a good foot.
See you soon.

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