Saturday, June 1, 2013

10 Things Saturday

So it is now officially June. Wow. In 26 days school will be out and I will be on summer vacation. I am SOOOOOOOOOO ready for that.
Hard to focus at work lately because I am mentally ready to be done for the year. My brain isn't working very hard at school lately.
But it is working very hard at art lately. It feels wildly creative- lots of ideas I like and lots of energy flowing in that direction.
I am worse than the kids -I think.
Today I start my first day working as a 
Lake Host at a local lake- Merrymeeting. In my dreams I have a house on this lake but luckily it isn't very far from home so I can still enjoy visiting it.
I took this photo last summer when I worked at the boat ramp checking boats for invasive weeds.
But this year I am only being a substitute or fill in Lake Host.
I really just need some non-working time this summer.
Or maybe it is better to say I really need a summer without too many regular scheduled things.
I am rebelling against schedules.
Anyhow, this week's 10 Things Saturday list is a list of things I hope to accomplish this summer in my open time without a lot of schedules-
A few more than 10 things- but hopefully not a lot of things to far off from the reality of getting them done.

1- Find and visit this famous sign in Maine.

2- Take down my kitchen cabinet doors,clean them, paint them, put on new knobs, new hinges, spruce up the place a bit

3-Clean up under the cellar stairs so I can take that off my list -since that has been on the summer list for at least 5 years now-ha-ha- let's see if that happens

4-Grow big juicy tomatoes in my garden. Some yummy green peppers and enough cucumbers to make pickles and maybe relish too.
I love playing homemaker and being home.

5-Rediscover the art of sitting sitting still and just taking in the beauty of summer.

6-Visit the Portsmouth Headlight Lighthouse- actually visit it and take a tour and also visit the Frank lloyd Wright house in Manchester, NH.

7-Go raspberry picking and blueberry picking and make some jam. And pie.  I want to make more pie.

8-Rewatch the early seasons of True Blood while I watched the latest season. Can't wait, only 2 more weeks until the 6th season starts!

9-See some fabulous sunsets and sunrises.

10-Go eagle watching.

11-Visit some places that are new to me. I am not sure where they might be yet, but they will happen if I am open to their opportunities.

12-Sit by an outdoor fire and look at the stars and the moon. Maybe even watch fireflies dancing and flashing their lights.

13-Finally get my studio cleaned out and reorganized.

14-Get kayaking.

15-Get in touch with people that I don't usually see all winter. Like old college roommates, my new friend Estelle from the lake

16- But pull the plug on work for awhile.

17- Be a tourist ( both far away and locally).

18-Have  the pile of books to read next to my bed get shorter.

19-Practice backing up the boat on the trailer.

20-Lots of screen porch naps

21-Walk most mornings-get moving!

22- Eat fresh and local- enjoy the bounty of the season.

23- Definately play in the studio and try to do more than just keep my summer journal. That is important but I want to make some jewelry and some polymer clay mosaic tiles. Experiment with some things...not get bogged down doing 1 basic kind of thing.

24-Not be too busy though! Just enough not to be bored.

25- And mostly, have fun! Last summer ended up being a blast- and this one will be great even if it is 1/2 as good.

We're back into the heat after last weekend's fall like weather. After work it may be a boating day-firs of the season!
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika! I hope you enjoy your summer vacation when it starts! I teach Middle School and ours started today (well yesterday at 2 pm actually LOL)... Glad to have found your blog -- I will take some time to look around this weekend! Thanks for popping by my blog earlier as well!


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