Monday, June 17, 2013

5 Days and Counting

This is it!
The last 5 days of teenagers for this school year.
Friday at 11:22 they are done!
Can you tell I am excited?
(I have 3 teacher work days next week, but I don't even care about that because it will be easier than this week will be.)
Fours days until my crazy insane driving me nuts class is done!!!!
That is almost more of a celebration!!!!
In my frustration awhile back I made a couple of journal pages about school.
This page is what the kids keep saying to me!!!!!!!
And this one is what I seem to keep saying but those teenage ears  don't hear.
I used  a stencil and some Dylusion's spray to back the background for these pages. They are meant to mimic each other. I also added a little quote sticky metal button to each page too.
That's all for today.
You'll find me dancing and singing and wiggling around with joy as the week progresses!
Thanks for visiting.

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