Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blooming Beautiful

My flower gardens are starting to look gorgeous right now.
I love the flowers at this time of year.
Need to get to work in the veggie garden-its been roto-tilled but needs some planting.

But am enjoying the color and even the greening of my flower patches.
I celebrated with doing a page for my summer scrap-journal.
Not sure my drawing skills are all that fantastic but I still like this page.
It was my goal to make more pages artistic pages- or other words, not just  a bunch of scrapbook style pages. Pretty pleased I have been doing that. But still, I want to do some scrapbook-ish style pages so I have some photos to remember the moments of this summer.
And if you're  a hockey fan like me-
How about those Bruins?
Yawn-it was a late night last night even though
I will admit, I took a couple of cat naps during the very long game.
(and if you're not a hockey fan- 
it didn't end until 12:20 last night for those of us on the East Coast)
That makes me smile.
Come back soon.

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