Friday, June 28, 2013

How I spent the first day of my vacation and a journal page too!

Summer is glorious, even when the sky is foggy, grey and damp.
Here's a view a little after 8, after I dropped the dog off to get groomed.
I was planning on coming straight home, but then I saw a sign pointing me off on a tangent
A very good tangent
I haven't been strawberry picking for a couple of years and even though I was all by myself and even though it was soooo foggy and damp, I went and picked almost 10 pounds of berries.
One of the JOYS of summer.
And look what I made when I got home.

So I also spent my first day playing for a bit in the studio, doing a snippet of gardening, going out to lunch with my daughter, and relaxing.
No, I am not having summer vacation regrets.
Not missing work either. But here's a fun journal page I made before summer vacation began.
Think this page speaks for itself.
(Photo booth pictures are a piece of October Afternoon paper that I chopped up.)
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Friday!

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