Sunday, June 30, 2013

So Far Its Been a Good Vacation

I know, I have only been off since Thursday which is hardly long enough to really know, right?
But you can just tell.
A few chores done, some low key time, some studio time and some fun, what more could a gal want?
Yesterday was exciting.
My favorite craft store was having an indoor yard sale of sorts.
Cash and carry, lots of assorted new and used items. I got a few stamps, some velvet paper, some jewelry making chain and some stickers, some old photos, some charms...lots of items for 50 cents or a dollar or two. I love picking and and poking, and could have bought a bunch more stuff (though it was pretty picked through when I got there at 11, and they only opened at 10...guess I am not as good a picker as some people), but I limited the cash in my wallet just so I wouldn't go plum stupid and buy a bunch of stuff I didn't really need, which is what happens at these kind of picking sales.
Then when I got home (after stopping to run several errands) and found my bedroom floor finally being put down.
Dave got some help from Katie's boyfriend Brian-he's a much speedier worker than the hubby but they seem to work pretty good as a team.

I love it!
Not quite done yet but just maybe the hubby will finish today.
(or then again, maybe not. I am leaving that up to him...I am tired of being a nag about certain the floor).
So I don't know what is on my agenda today,
what are you up to?

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