Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Few Photos for You

I wrote this post last night while lounging in my VERY BASIC hotel room at Mesa Verde National Park. 
We're having a blast on our whirlwind tour.
Busy, busy, busy.
No time for us to relax and do nothing, but we are seeing and doing some fabulous things.
Yesterday we went to Mesa Verde National Park in Southwestern Colorado and we did a couple of cliff house tours. I climbed some very steep ladders and rocks and crawled through a little tunnel.
The hubby had to take off his hat and backpack to make it through the tunnel.
We had to climb that ladder- was a lot steeper than it looks to get into the cliff house.
Then there was this thin crack in the wall we had to negotiate through.
And this is the tunnel we had to go through.
Was an adventure.
That is for sure.
This is Cliff Palace, one of the 2 sites we took a guided tour through. We also did another one which was a self guided tour. The trickiest one to get through was the one with the ladder and tunnel as I showed you already.
We had some nice lady take this family portrait for us by the entrance sign.

Oh yeah, and that's hail. We had thunder, lightening, pouring rain and hail-luckily it didn't start until after we got back from our second cliff house tour and that we were in an enclosed shelter when it did happen, although Dave had insisted it was going to stop raining and he went to another building.
Here he is running through the lighter rain back to us.
Good thing, he had the rental car keys.

Here's 3 more views of different cliff houses.
Pretty cool!
If you haven't ever been here- put it on your dream list.
I might be back with another post with another adventure, but I might not until we get home later on in the week. Will have to see how the time goes.
Today we have some driving to do and we end up, eventually, in Moab, Utah where we plan to do a couple of other National Parks.
Have a great rest of your weekend.

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