Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blooming Like Crazy

10 Things Saturday
the super hot summer edition:
maybe I should have some beach photos-
or winter photos to make you feel cool

My gardens are blooming and flowering and looking great right now-
they should with all the rain and humidity and now the heat we've been having.
and more lilies
and nothing says summer more than the smell of the fresh green of basil
Love these little flowers.
Was trying to catch the bees that were buzzing all around these beauties.

My rush bushes are having a tough time-I think they have Japanese beetle larva- and I have been spraying so lets hope they improve.  Most of the plants look pretty brown, bare and spindling so I love the fact I actually have a few blooms here.
My potted herb garden.
And then yellow! These plants overtake everything but when they bloom, they looks so nice that I am forgiving them.
Oh yeah-
flowers are one of the best things about summer.
(well, one of the many!)
happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your flower photos are beautiful. I can tell you know how to use your camera. I also like the wedding card you made for a lucky friend.


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