Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Celebrating Red , White and Blue

This week I am celebrating red, white and blue in honor of The Independence Day Holiday coming up on Thursday. Today I am being very literal, celebrating with  some journal pages that have either red, white or blue colors.
As you can see, I have been favoring blue lately.
Throw in a little red.
Can't say any of these are really patriotic, but the colors basically fit.
That works, 
doesn't it?
So yesterday it rained but it didn't matter as I was highly productive inside. A little bit of well needed cleaning, some ideas on how to re-organize the studio, and hours spent playing in my studio.
What a great low key day it was!
Makes me happy down to my bones.
And today I am planning on going to visit my mom.
What are you up to?

1 comment:

  1. I love all the patterns in your pages - the zigzags and waves on the boating page especially. Enjoy your summer holidays and time for arty bliss :)
    And since you ask, today we have been to the zoo in the rain (it's winter here).


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