Friday, July 12, 2013

More Journal Pages

How about some more journal pages. 
And here's page a page featuring your lovely blog hostess-
This page is pretty simple and features a lot of stamping.
I wanted it to be simple,
and blue-
because even though it was a hot day-
I wanted to portray the keeping cool part.
Which was my plan.
And the little book snippet at the top,
since I read on the dock.
I love the big numbers-
do any of you remember Ma Vinci?
Maybe she's still selling stamps.
But these are her
giant number stamps I've had forever and I
LOVE them.
The blue streak is just a watercolor marker blurred with a wet brush.
Now on this page I played with the background.
And I love how it came out.
I started with 2 different background stamps, some blue embossing powders and then some spray inks.
A few die cut images laying on the mess on my work table 
and then I cut the heads off of 2 old photos, actually from a Shutterfly book I have that has some major print issues. But still, I felt horrible ripping and cutting up this book, even though Shutterfly replaced it with a good no print issues volume.
But I do love how the page came out.
And a journaling page-with a title or top that I LOVE.
Here's a close up-
I die cut the July and stars  and then used that as a stencil to spray this-which I then outlined with a fine line Sharpie. Then I added the 2 die cut flourishes, and the ka-boom shape die cut. I stamped the words (Technique Tuesday) and after cutting that out I added that in.
And then I made this page. I used a painted deli wrap (Thanks Julie Fei-Fan Balzar for that trick) and  I added this fun old homecoming queen photo from an old yearbook I bought a few weeks ago for $2. Some tape, some die cut stars, some tearings from an old book, punched out tape and then the holes I punched. See that queen- that's me with everyone waiting and needing something from me. That's where the banner saying comes from.

So more other projects this week include some home improvement!
Painted a bureau, planning and shopping to repaint my kitchen cabinets (how far that will get I am not sure), did some major cleaning in my basement laundry room. Came up with 3 other basement clean ups we desperately need- 1) get rid of my daughter's old toy chest that has been sitting there for years 2) get some shelves to organize all the bottles of things (beer, wine, water, etc.) and 3) get rid of the laundry room rug- it is disgusting and look for something new.
We're in the icky humid and rainy weather-
kind of a BIG downer.
But the weeds going crazy in my gardens just love it-
maybe one of these days I'll get out to weed.
I needed to go paint patterns on paper and I made my book for the SEWN class
I am taking with MaryAnn Moss
otherwise known as
Dispatch from LA!
Will show you some other day!
the good news is this is a more mellow week.
Feel like I have a chance to do a few things!
less than a week-
we are flying to Colorado!
Can't wait!
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Your pages are bright, wonderfully composed and full of fun & colour. I like!


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