Friday, July 26, 2013

More Patterns

Having been away on vacation for the last week, I haven't done very much art.
I didn't even do all that much on travel journal while we were gone-
shocker for me!
But here's some more patterns I had made before we left.

Today I need to unpack and hopefully get some play time. Everyone has gone back to work-so it is really quiet here for me!
Have a great Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I do thank you so much for visiting my blog. I does mean a lot to me.
    It sounds as if you have had such a lovely vacation. You have been places that I have never been and you live in a state that would thrill me no end.
    I do love living where I do..altho. it is hotter than (forgive me) four hells now, as it has been for days.
    But, we are blessed that it cools off at night.
    Sending good wishes your way, and again, many thanks. I must be off to put the chickens to bed.


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