Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Travel Snapshots

Can you believe we are almost at the end of July?
Summer-as usual-
is FLYING!!!!!
Makes me a little bit down-since I want summer to go on and on and on.
Mainly don't want to give up MY time...no schedules, no 5 day work weeks, no getting up at 4:45 and being so tired at night.
4 weeks to go!
I love my job and I do like working but on the other hand I really wish I could just stay home and pursue other avenues and options in life-like I do in the summer.
And later next week I leave for Costa Rica on a school related immersion trip.
And though I love the adventure that will await me when I go to Costa Rica on this trip, part of me just wants to hang home. Guess I am a little nervous- my first group trip with a set schedule, class time (I am traveling as part of a 3 credit graduate course), having a homestay with some people I have no clue about for 4 nights, not speaking Spanish...
But I am really up for an adventure
and really wanting to stay home and be slightly domestic.
Oh to be so torn-
Speaking of traveling-
Thought today I would show you some more photos from my travels with my family to Colorado.
(And Arizona and Utah and technically New Mexico too!)
Today I want to show you some buildings I spied along the side of the road.
In Colorado!

Don't you just love old buildings? Makes me feel like I am back in pioneer days.

This one had painted windows, rather interesting.  Not real curtains or things hanging, part of an old mining settlement at Red Mountain, Colorado.
That's all for today.
Thanks for visiting. Come back again soon.

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