Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We're Going Home Today

Our fabulous summer road trip is winding down today. We have a long drive back to Denver from our condo in Moab, Utah to catch our flight back to New Hampshire. Did you know Utah has a holiday today?  I didn't- the 24th if Pioneer Day. Huh?  Who'd known?
I am ready to go home and see my kitties and my puppy.
But how about a few more snapshots from our major road trip.
It is like an oven here in northeast Utah!
Monday we hiked in this heat at Arches National Park.
I think I even had a bit of heat issues. 
Not good.
Luckily Arches is so close to Moab we could leave, go get lunch and come back in the evening for some more hiking.
Then yesterday we went to Canyonlands National Park.
Yesterday we hiked to this hilltop. It was also pretty hot-like 95 degrees. We wanted to go only to the first viewpoint but somehow missed the sign and went to the second viewpoint. It was a great hike, climbing up these rocks. What a finale to this road trip adventure.
Feels good to push yourself and do it.

We even had a nice picnic. I was a lot of fun eating out in one of the little covered picnic table areas.
And we saw so many cool views.
Have you ever been?
Lots of photos still to come in the future.
See you again soon.

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