Saturday, August 3, 2013

Home Improvement

10 Things Saturday-
With the weather turned gorgeous-
low humidity,
comfortable temperatures-
and me having a pretty low key week-
I decided it was time to tackle my kitchen cabinets.
New knobs,
washing them down, 
 a little paint.
A bigger project than I wanted it to be, but I hope
I will be happy in the end.
They aren't anything special
or at least they weren't. 
Here's project unfolding.

1.the old kitchen cabinet looks

So I pulled off the doors.
Don't look at the messes!

Washing and priming them.

Then it was time to empty some of the kitchen drawers.
I just put it all over my counters.
What a mess!
Now I am going to have to put it all back.


8. So which color did I pick? I was down between these 2.

OK, so it is 8  Things Saturday.
Not a 10 Things Saturday.
I need  to add a couple photos.
You get the gist.
This has been a big home improvement summer for us this year. A new bedroom floor, some basement organizing and cleaning, my kitchen. Now if I can just hit the studio!

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