Monday, August 26, 2013

More Costa Rica- Tropical Blooms

Tough morning.
I need to go back to work today.
But in another way I am ready to go back.
Just want to say its been a weird summer.
Think I just had too much going on and never really got into down mode-
until last week.
And yesterday my baby moved back to college for her senior year.
Yes, you heard me right, her senior year.
I am in shock.
Enough of that already.
To keep us all cheery,
here's some beautiful tropical flowers just growing here and there in Costa Rica.
The plants there were just amazing.
This plant, whatever it is called, fills up with water from all the rain they get. We were told that people use that water and nectar mixture that forms for shampoo. Didn't try it myself. This might actually not even be the flower, but it is pretty amazing looking.
I felt like was walking through a greenhouse.  Even on our rainforest hikes we saw these plants that you can buy for houseplants here. Wandering jew, philodendrons, bromeliads. Never mind all the other trees and plants that grow.
It was a feast for my biological senses.
These flowers are adapted so it is easy for hummingbirds to get into them. They're more open on the top.
Those hummers buzzed all over the place.  Here's one who landed on a branch not too far away.  More in silhouette than specific colors, but you can tell its a little hummer. 
And wild orchids. Just growing on the side of the road.
Here's a few more gorgeous blossoms for you to enjoy.

Isn't this a great feast for your eyes on a Monday?
Maybe someday I will figure out the names for all those gorgeous flowers.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Erika! Costa Rica is one of my dream countries to visit someday! (Pura Vida!) Those blooms you shared are so colorful! Most of those grow here but they were brought by the Spaniards from Central and South America during when we were a colony of Spain for 300 years.

    Thank you so much dear Erika for sharing this to Timeless Thursdays!


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