Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wrapping Up Before I Travel

Today's post is a little of this and a little of that.
Tomorrow I leave for Costa Rica.
I am taking an immersion class, in case you missed that fact.
Education- we'll be visiting schools and doing some fun things too.
Living with a family for 4 days.
Help me-
I don't speak Spanish.
Leaving this crisp low humidity weather and going into the heat and humidity of the tropical rain forest in the rainy season.
And  am looking forward to it.
As I have said before-
I always find leaving the house the hard part.
Once on the road,
I am good.
I need to catch a 4:30 a.m. bus to the airport in Boston.
Oh my.

1) So first thing for today, my latest read,
which is an enjoyable Victorian mystery . Not sure I'd rush out to read the next book in this series, but I did enjoy this read. I did want to find out what happened. And it wasn't a difficult nor long read.

And I picked up this book at the Wolfeboro Street Fair last Friday and I will be bringing this with me on my travels
Katherine Neville also wrote the Eight which I thoroughly enjoyed. This looks like a good book to bring on this trip just in case there's a lot of reading time. Long enough, a small paperback that only cost me 75 cents. Adventure, mystery, hopefully enjoyable reading. If it gets washed away in the rain I won't be out much, but lets hope that doesn't happen.

2) Last Saturday my hubby and I went to tour the Coast Guard Tall Ship Barque Eagle that was visiting Portsmouth (New Hampshire).

Very neat. A worthwhile adventure.

3. And I never did show you the final the color I picked for my kitchen cabinets.
Man, I am painted out!!!
That was a lot of work.
The hubby says he is going to paint the part of the cabinets attached to the wall while I am gone, so all those doors I painted can be put back on.
Then I need to paint the base of bar when I get home.
I went with the green. I loved the yellow, and it would brighten the kitchen, but I think it would have ended up being a little too much yellow for me when the whole kitchen go done.

4. Yesterday we had our first class for the CR trip. Spent the day inside talking about the how one culture views another. This class is part of the New Hampshire Writing Project.  We are learning not to see a single story- but to view cultures and people as many layers. Or to be careful not to view people and cultures through one set of predisposed ideas.
Here's a cool video we watched
Another words, learning how to go far away and NOT be a tourist.
Interesting concept.

5. I have made some art, but I need to take some photos of that art. Think this blog will be art free until I get back from my BIG adventure.

I hope I get to see monkeys and sloths and scarlet macaws on this trip. Maybe whales or crocodiles or a jaguar, as long as I don't have to worry about snakes.
I don't like snakes.
The joke is one is going to be hanging from a branch right in my face with its mouth wide open waiting to bite me.
I will let you know when I get back.

I will miss writing my posts, miss all you readers, but will be back in 10 or 12 days with photos.
Until later

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